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where Latino leadership and culture thrives, success follows

2 min read | september 29, 2023

Chevron employees (from left) Alejandro Arbelaez, Liliana Cevallos, Vanessa Teran and Matty Restivo accept the 2023 LATINO Equity 100 award, which recognizes companies providing the most opportunities for Latinos.

The Spanish word somos means we are. That’s one of the reasons it is the title of Chevron’s vibrant Hispanic and Latino employee resource group. For the group’s 4,600 members, Somos also means opportunity, advancement and success.

Liliana Cevallos, a native of Ecuador, knows this firsthand. Throughout her 17 years at Chevron, Somos has helped propel her career, enhance her leadership skills and expand her network.

“I’ve personally experienced true commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.”

liliana cevallos

president of chevron’s Somos Employee Network

oportunidad y comunidad

award illustration

Now as the Somos Employee Network president, Cevallos is celebrating an impressive milestone for Somos and Chevron: LATINO Magazine has named the company one of its LATINO Equity 100 honorees for 2023. The annual award recognizes the top corporations in the U.S. that drive oportunidad y comunidad (opportunity and community) for Latinos.

somos una familia

In addition to her own professional success at work, Cevallos says she’s noticed a progressive shift in Chevron’s workplace. A big part of that momentum is fueled by the somos una familia (we are family) community that is cultivated by Somos.

“Our culture and sense of belonging are sources of strength. When we elevate our Latino and Hispanic talent, we elevate success. Somos una familia.”

liliana cevallos
president of chevron’s Somos Employee Network

​crecimiento y desarrollo

When it comes to growth and development (crecimiento y desarrollo), Latinos are one of the fastest growing minority populations in the United States. By 2050, the Latino population is projected to make up almost one-third of the nation’s population. However, fewer than 5% are corporate executives today.



of Latino professionals feel they’ve been overlooked for career advancement



of Latino professionals have faced discrimination or microaggressions at work

less than


of executive leadership roles are occupied by Latinos

Disparities like these fuel Cevallos and Somos to build a highly qualified pipeline of future Latino leaders. Somos is doing just that, advancing Latino career growth across Chevron.


Here’s how Somos empowers top Hispanic and Latino talent to move adelante (forward) and reach their full potential:

la última palabra

On a final note (la última palabra), Cevallos had this to say:

“Diversity starts at the top. Executive leadership reflects the talent of our workforce, which enables us to be a more agile, trustworthy and innovative environment. It’s an honor to continue that progress.”

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