Chevron workers Chevron workers


diversity and inclusion

We’re a proud proponent of diversity in the workforce, and we support an inclusive workplace that values the diversity of ideas.

Chevron fosters diversity and inclusion at all levels of our company. It is among the cornerstones of our corporate values of leading performance, trust and integrity, partnership, and people and the environment. We know that hiring and retaining individuals with an array of talents, ideas and experiences propels the innovation that drives our success. A diverse workforce and inclusive culture help us strengthen performance and inspire creative solutions. We believe the attention given to diversity and inclusion makes us more agile, trustworthy and innovative.

Chevron's diversity and inclusion programs aim to foster an inclusive workplace that encourages more meaningful engagement among all employees to strengthen our performance.

The company strives to build an inclusive environment through innovative programs such as the company’s MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) program launched in 2017, in partnership with the non-profit organization Catalyst, which is designed to facilitate discussions on gender equity in the workplace. MARC is active in over 35 Chevron locations on six continents around the world, with over 5,000 participants since inception. The success and impact of MARC led to the creation of Elevate in 2020, a program that seeks to take the inclusion dialogue beyond gender. 

we’re working to advance racial equity

In 2020, Chevron made a $15 million pledge to support the Black community in the United States to address barriers to equity. We continue to address racial barriers through education, job creation, talent and leadership development, and community and small business partnerships.

employee network groups: open to all employees

Employee networks are voluntary groups of employees that come together based on shared identity or interests. The company has 11 employee networks. These networks seek to foster an inclusive and supportive work environment for all employees.

  • Asian Employee Network
  • Black Employee Network
  • ENABLED Employee Network (ENhancing ABilities and LEveraging Disabilities)
  • Filipino Employee Network
  • Indigenous Employee Network
  • PRIDE Employee Network (Promoting Respect, Inclusion & Dignity for Everyone)
  • Somos Employee Network (Latin America and Hispanic)
  • Stages Employee Network (Mid and Late career)
  • Veterans Employee Network
  • Women’s Employee Network
  • XYZ Employee Network (Early and Mid career)

Our Chairman’s Inclusion Council provides employee network presidents with a direct line of communication to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, and the enterprise leadership team. The council allows executives and network presidents to collaborate and discuss how employee networks can reinforce Chevron’s values of diversity and inclusion.


our greatest asset is our people

We invest in our workforce and culture, with the objective of engaging employees to develop their full potential to deliver energy solutions and enable human progress. We promote a culture of feedback within the workforce and develop leaders to sustain and strengthen our culture for the future.

We regularly conduct employee surveys to assess the health of the company culture. Our survey frequency enables us to better understand employee sentiment through-out the year and gain insights into employee well-being.

leadership in the making

Our development programs are designed to help people achieve their full potential, accelerate leadership capabilities and cultivate a diverse and robust talent pipeline in an ever-changing work environment.

Because Chevron believes in developing leaders at all levels, we aim to grow workforce leadership through a variety of programs, including:

Offering live, one-on-one coaching sessions and Coaching Circles™ with small groups of peers. Since its launch in 2020, Chevron has provided coaching to more than 4,500 supervisors, managers and individual contributors in 57 countries and 22 languages.

Provides forums to discuss headwinds, advance professional growth and foster a more inclusive work environment.