
fuel solutions

Essential gasoline and diesel fuels. Reliable, lower carbon intensity alternatives. Fuels to meet the growing demands of today and to help create a lower carbon future.

fuels for the modern world

For more than 140 years, we've met energy demands for millions around the globe. And we'll continue long into the future.
  • An illustration of a white tanker truck striped with Chevron's colors in front of a blue cityscape.


    Power, performance and reliability for the transportation industry.
  • An illustration of a white passenger plane striped with Chevron's colors on the runway. It is flanked on either side by green grass. Another plane is in mid-takeoff in the background.

    aviation fuel

    Premium petroleum-based jet fuel that is affordable and reliable.
  • An illustration of a woman wearing a green skirt, shirt and jacket at the gas pump, preparing to fill up her white sedan.


    Unbeatable gas mileage and proven performance for today's automotives.
  • An illustration of a tanker ship striped in Chevron's colors sailing a blue ocean. A faint blue mountain and white cloud are in the background.

    marine fuel

    Reliable, efficient diesel for global maritime. Available in the terminals we operate.

renewable fuels for today and tomorrow

We're helping create a range of viable lower carbon intensity fuels for a variety of transportation types.

bio-based diesels

Solutions like renewable diesel and biodiesel blends are fuels manufactured from biofeedstocks, such as vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled restaurant grease. They’re lower carbon intensity options for today’s fleets.

renewable / compressed natural gas

A lower carbon conventional fuel. Renewable natural gas (RNG) comes from a variety of renewable sources, while compressed natural gas (CNG) is mainly produced from methane stored in high-pressure containers.

renewable gasoline blend (RGB)

Drop-in fuels that feature more than a 40% lower lifecycle carbon intensity than traditional gasoline. They’re compatible with cars on the road today.

sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)

The future of jet fuel. SAF made from renewable biomass and waste resources has the potential to deliver the performance of traditional jet fuel, at a fraction of its carbon footprint.


An alternative to natural gas that can power vehicles, generate electricity, and heat our homes.


Our refineries are pioneering ways to lower the carbon intensity of energy we produce – safely and reliably.

learn more about refining

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